Thursday, February 22, 2007 kaer's album,akhirnya! heheakhirnya,i've gotten my hands on kaer's 'first child''s called 'menjelma',named after one of the singles of this album.thanks to kak cita,one of the kaeratics MTs,kerana mengepostkn cd kaer berserta poster & paperbag kaer coz i couldn't attend the previous kaeratics unofficial gath at KLCC.ok,a review on this album,i'll start with the first track,menjelma.this is my fav track among all the other tracks.i think this is the best track in this album coz the composer and music arranger is brave enough to combine two totally different elements,our traditional music and contemporary modern music in this song.the second track's called izinku's a ballad composed and written by azlan abu hassan,who recently won the AJL awards namely the best ballad award(terlalu istimewa by adibah noor) and best song of the year(also terlalu istimewa by adibah noor).i think he deserves another award in ajl this yr as kaer had sung this song excellently.moving on to the next track,it's tak ingin bebas,a funky fresh track composed by audi mok and written by ad samad.this track is totally the kind of music people are dying to listen to nowadays,it's really suitable for modern-aged saturday night fever.the fourth track,written by our kaer and composed by audi mok(if i'm not mistaken,he's also the composer of 'pakai kanta cinta' by elyana),is a tribute song especially for's a beautiful song,nice melody and the lyrics are quite good,too.apabila is very moderate compared to the other tracks in this album,kaer's vocal is on the safe side,where he's only required to sing all the safe notes whereas for dalam kenangan,azlan abu hassan had really tested kaer's high note abilities.kau telefon lagi,from what i heard,is for kak norli..haha,it's the most entertaining tracks in this album.i really like the 'kau bangun pagi,kau lupa gosok gigi' ad-lip,it's so funny! for a newbie,i think kaer's a pretty good lyricist and composer.for those who have been through an exhausting day,try listening to 'mama said'.it's an awesome dance number and it's the only english track.the cover version of seribu impian is also nicely done.the older version is slower,but te cover version gives a new mood and samba-like arrangement to the song.last but not least,kembali bersama,the last track.probably this song was included so that people could differenciate between kaer's vocal when he first graduated from akademi fantasia season 2 with his new and improved vocal.overall,i'd give 4 stars 4 this album including for the attractive and artistic layout,suitable with kaer's brand new,stylish image.i do agree with abg zahir,kaer's image had totally improved from his 'boy-next-door' look to a kaleidoscopic performer he is now. 2:07 AM | 
marhaban astro muo.. 9th sept 06 1.30pm aku ingt aku terlmbt!punyelaa rush p dewan jubli intan,gopernye start kul 3..arghhhhhh..bikin heartache saja bahhhhhhh skali tu,dgn bengangnye balik umah,fully disappointed!
3.00pm dtg semula ke dwn jubli intan..sempat saksikan pertandingan marhaban yg disertai pelajar2 sekolah menengah (termasuklah maa'had muar,yg sgt2 aku nyampes!!)..takat nih nk ikutkn suara with harmony paling excellent,i'd vote 4 kump rusydaniah frm ma'ahad jb..pertandingan tu siap ade jury lg AF lak..hehe..marhaban di astro tlh diEMCEE (ataupn diSELAMATKN) oleh zainal alam kadir n fi3 zainal of af2..dorg perasan yg aku ade kt situ,buat kali keempatnya,aku berjumpe dgn zainal n fi3..kuang3..
5.00pm pertandingan tamat,diteruskn dgn kemunculan seorg NOBODY bernama NORDIANA NAIM..semua org bergegas ke dpn pentas utk bersalam and bergambar dgn die,tp AKU??buat dek die xwujud..mse die kte,"spe nk jwb soklan ina??" aku siap boleh jeling INA terang2an..laktu die prasan..INA tenung aku semcm je,tp ape aku kesah kn??muahahaha..
5.30pm majlis bersurai..
10 sept 06 2.00pm hahaha,ni adalah hari yg plg best buat marhaban di astro di dwn jubli intan muo..XDE NORDIANA NAIM!! hahaha sebaik shj bapak aku br blk drpd solat dzuhur fm surau,die tros anto aku p dwn jubli utk menyaksikan marhbn ini..tmpt tu dorg dh improvise the lighting,n ade tv plasma utk browse ada apa dgn astro..(mcm2 adaaa!! hehe)..also,ade souvenirs bg dorg yg betul2 gilekn AF n si minah GG,DIANA NAIM pn ade jual buku novel CATATAN DUKA DIANA aku tau,novel tu langsung xde sape sudi nk beli,melainkn musuh ketatku dr ma'ahad..(kecuali fatihin ali n rafah ferhat k! )
2.30pm af starz br sampai kt seremban,aduhhhhh..lmbtnye!seorg emcee yg mirip kefli tlh mengisi masa tu dgn soklan2 n game puzzle yg aku masuk along with these other 4 gurlz..also form 1 like me! game tu mmg best,tp very challenging..coz emcee tu sorok2kn puzzle piece..n die dh mix up my team's puzzle pieces with our opponent's..sabo jerlaaaaa ..last2 team aku yg mng,yeahhhhhh!!
3.00pm lampu digelapkn..the show started off with a sketch entitled si tanggang..starring hazama as tanggang,zila as the arrogant princess n edlin yg cute sebagai mak yg mlg..huhuhu..mmg lakonan yg cukup berkesan! yg klakar,sebagai ending sketsa tu,edlin hazam n zila terpaksa jd keras mcm batu..puas dorg kne geletek n cucuk2 dek fi3 n zainal alam..aku rse mmg dh lenguh gle bdn dorg! the show goes on with singing sensation edlin,menyanyi lagu (aku xingt tajuk die,heheheh)..sgt2 mantap! and her eye contact with the audience pun sgt2laa excellent! then,it's hazama's turn..nyanyi lagu zakiah n satu lagu nasyid..boleh thn gak..not bad for a newcomer aite??keep it up but still hav room 4 improvements rite hazama dear??  kemudian,it's kump firdaus' turn..walaupn xcukup ahli(ade ahli yg sambung belajar di UIA n xdpt attend show hari tu)vokal dorg mmg mantap..nk2 budak sabah yg jd lead singer,sgt2 handsoem n i xbrape minat,hehehe.. next is performance by MAWI!!!! lagu seroja-duet with za8,mse lagu nih mawi diusik oleh za8,"mawi,dh jumpe bunga?" "belum" "gi lerr cari!" "mungkin kt muo ni sy akn dpt jumpe bunga..siapa agaknye sesuai jd bunga sy??"..bdk lain sume jerit "SAYA!!!!!!!" TIBE2,aku jerit "MARSHAAA!!!!"..berderau darah mawi! wahaha..then mawi alihkn mic drpd mulutnya smbil bisik "marshaaa?????!!"..hahaha..then lagu al-jannah lak..mantap sungguh vokal mawi! seterusnya,persembahan zila dgn lagu (aku xingt lg! sorry!)..followed by her duet with edlin thru NIRMALA..sdp tp sygnye,suara edlin pecah bile lagu tu hampir tamat..then,kluo lg hazama,ktorg sume dh mule hangen.."awat asek hazam je yg kluaq??" ktorg pn jerit kt emcee,"HAZIQ!HAZIQ!HAZIQ!" "saborr...sabor tu kn separuh imannn"...hazama:"okaylah,kte jemput haziq!!!!!" haziq:" askum semua!!" hazama: "sy nk duet dgn haziq boleh??" audience: xboleh!!! hazama: xpelaa,sy akn duet gak dg haziq.. (lagu duet dorg ok,tp kurg mantap sbb suara hazam pecah,n haziq kurg komunikasi dgn audience )
4.30pm BREAK!!!! zainal alam n fi3 cari volunteer utk naik ke 1st aku n seorg akak nih nk gak volunteer,tp biler fi3 ckp "kami perlukn mereka yg pandai bermarhaban" OH TIDAKKKKKKKKKKKKK..terus kitorg xjadi volunteer..akhirnya 3org ppuan n 3org laki berjaya ditarik ke pentas..rupe2nye dorg kne tiup balloon smp malatup, dat simple only???????????? laktu,mse dorg bz tiup belon,MAWI 5ZAL N ZA8 KACAU DORG!! mawi letak mikrofon kt mulut seorg abg yg "yo-yok-orr" tiup belon..za8 plak geletek pinggang slh seorg bdk laki..5zal plak usik2 bdk ppuan..hahaha..nyesal aku xnaik pentas!!!!!!!!!!!!  akhirnya,detik yg dinanti2 tlhpun tiba,HAZIQ'S TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!! die nyanyikn lagu gurindam ank mude (which menyebbkn sume org diam krn takut haziq gigil n nyanyi out of tune...but haziq masih gigiiiiiiiiilll!!!) persembahan diteruskn dgnm nyanyian 5zal,lagu lihatlah,za8 "kau teristimewa" n finally bebudk af ramai2 bermarhaban..
5.30pm baru nk sesi "meet d fanZ"..bapak aku dh bising2 ajak balik tp aku suh die amik aku kul 6.30ptg..mse tu aku beratur dpn skali..not much to tal;k aboutlaa..aku cume smpt ckp kt edlin,"kak edlin,cute!!", time kt haziq yg lame sikit..haziq nmpk teddy bear mr bean yg aku die gelak,"HAHHHAAAAAA.." keokeokeo..then aku smpt ckp,"haziq,cutelaa ur picture dgn ur sister,yg kak farhan tu" "ktne ek?myspace ke??" "yep"..dgn 5zal plak,"cantiknye signature!! " dier punyerlaa blur..die gi jwb,"hah?handsome ke sy nih??" hahaha..aku smpt tgkp gambo dua keping dgn haziq,tp dgn 5zal xsmpt,coz security dh bising..
6.00pm sembang2 dgn mak haziq..byk rahsia haziq yg aku dah tahu,muahahaha!!! habislaa kau haziq! die xleh concentrate sign autograph coz curious nk tau aku n mak aku sembang ape dgn mama die..papa die pn ade,handsome n strict sound trouble sket,hehehehe
6.15pm mak haziq nk pggl haziq 2run,tp haziq ckp xleh..die pggl mak die suh p blkg stage..ade satu sesi fotografi tp artis marhbn xdibenarkn amik gambo dgn peminat..dorg hanya leh line up kt pentas je..mawi n za8 xde sejak sesi autograf coz kne balik utk attend kons gemilang AE06..mse nih aku saje2 jerit nme "HAZIQQ!!!!!!" then sumthing yg xdisangka2 berlaku..haziq 2njuk kt aku, and buat signal "call meee...." first aku ingt aku prasan je,skali tu akak seblah aku kte,"dik,haziq kenyit mata kt awklah!"..huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuh..SEMINGGU AKU ANGAW AND DEMAM sygnye aku miss adegan 5zal buat SENYUM SOKMOOOOO!!!!! kt pentas mse tuh..huhu..
6.30pm bersurai~..overall,mmg syiok bahhhhhhh!! oh sharkx,i did it again! aku angaw!!!!! |
2:06 AM | 
kehadiran anak buah tersyg  8.30am dikejutkn dgn panggilan tipon drpd hospital pusrawi,aku tlh bertukar pangkat! baby AISHAH ZAHARAH BTE FAISAL AZIZI selamat dilahirkn secara 'cecarian' ataupn bg yg xtau sebut,"see-sey-rian"..kini,kak zura bergelar mama,abg pesal papa,aku bergelar BUSU YANA ataupn MAKSU YANA (tp lg selesa dipanggil BUSU yana laa..) mak aku plak bergelar TOK MAMA,and pa?TOK WAN!! ..jajai dh xleh main2,suda jd uncle jal..din pizza??pak ngah din..kaer??hehehe..pak ngah kaer kut,ntahlaa..nnt aku tnye die..sudi x jd pakcik kpd aishah@shasha tambam.. |
2:02 AM | 
buka puasa with chatters@15-AF4 venue:Saloma Bistro,KL Time: 1640-2230(approx-coz xbwk jam..hehe ) event: buka puasa chatterz @15 bersama bintang2 af4 food?: goooooooodddd..yummy!  Performance?: gosh,..better read the review,it's worth a million words..hehe Meet d fans session: hahahaha..the best i've ever had afta the picnic with big bro  the service: satisfacting..
1600 baru smp dari muo..gosh,sooooooooooooooo tired,baru balik drpd darjah khas tros jek p kl..nasib my mum's such a sport n understands me..she knows how much i love af n how much i wanted to meet rich,hohoho.. so,
wanna grab this oppurtunity to thank my mum,yg sudi melayan karenah den..den sorg je yg susahkn ma dgn af(siut jek..haha) tp ma layannnnnn jer..and ALSO,thanks 4 tidak mengutuk rich walaupun ma xminat (again..siut jek..haha) mmg emak yg tersempoi di kurun dan rantau ini..hehehehe..btw,ma dh action ar skg sjk tau anto sms,cess..
ok,back to the review.. jln mse tu xbrape,our journey to saloma bistro didn't take too long as it was smooth like grease..smpt jugak cuit2 pp my ank buah yg turut berada dlm kereta pd ketika itu..
1620 smp awl..had plenty of time to buang masa,ahux..registration required a receipt that we've to claim from RHB bank as prove yg kita dh bank in the payment..b4 dibenarkn masuk saloma bistro,kitorg dikehendaki ambil beberapa keping poster af4(tp aku amik 10 keping,muahaha) dan pakai satu badge bertulis 'astro @15'..cantik badge tu,i likkkeee..hehe selepas itu,kami dikehendaki pula utk amik nombor(bkn nombor ekor) utk lucky draw..(gosh..hope i'll win a lil sum-sum)..then we had to wait (again)..i myself am not sure why we had 2 wait 4 like a thousand years..why does it seem sooooooooooooo tough just to meet my richie?(overly drmatic aite?ahux! just kidding)while waiting,my ma n i were surrounded by a crowd of amirul fans(all in blue)..
1730 now,baru nk mula..baru nk masuk..ciss,waited soooooo long laaa cik abg oiii.. sempat berposing kt entrance saloma bistro lagik tu..then kene tegur by this moderator called 'bosensem'..he said,"wahh,dh mcm artis!" besides that,kitorg juga berpeluang bertemu dgn moderators ppuan cikzura,ztajonet,cem256,epa..ramai lagilaa..semua cun2 belaka,i think that's their main attraction,for the sake of attracting guys to chat at @15,hehe..we sat at table no.3(in between 2 VIP tables,betul2 depan stage),itulah faedahnya bayar awl..our tablemates were aunty a-es-wai along with her family of 4(they said they were from farhan fc..yeah i cn tell by the colour they're wearing-green..) kentang n her sis along with catcomel with her sis also..actually,the themes for the buka posa thingy were purple n orange,but when i looked around thoroughly,rasanya ramai yg xtepati tema,hehehe..termasuklaa diri den sendiri.. ..sementara menunggu meet d fans session,smpt gak bersembang dgn kak a-es-wai..she asked me who i'm mostly intereted in in i said,"Rich,Haziq,DD,Nora,Farhan sebab suara diorg i like their personality.." tp a-es-wai pi kutuk rich..grrrr... grrr..haha..then i heard about her interest in zila,so..payback!my turn to get even-kutuk zila kaw2 wa ckp lu! 
1745 meet d fans! masa tu kelihatan 5zal turun dari stage diikuti rakan2nya yg lain..(tau2 jelaa who i looked for..RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yg aku nmpk terlebih dahulu was a friend of mine,Ajik..he was wearing brown(haha,mcm aku gak,xtepati tema ) then there's rich!! he wasn't really as short as seen on tv,he's mum ckp kt dia,'rich,wanna know what,this is your die hard fan..she cried non stop when u were eliminated..' (huhuhhu,dun hav 2 mention bout d crying,huhuhuhu) rich: (looked at me,smiled) later we can go take pictures outside k.. yana: ok..(replied with a 'malu2' kucing kind of smile) as soon as they announced bout the meet the fans session,i quickly ran outside,yelaa kan..takut xdpt..i rushed till i dropped all the doorgifts and posters under my table..(very clumsy aite?) -from this paragraph,i'll try to shorten up d story k..-
*at rich,lotter and diddy's table...* i was rushing 2wards rich..haha,overly excited but at the same time,won't want rich to think i'm crazy or sumthin,so when i came closer to them,i slowed down my movements..unfortunately,my olympus camera slipped down from my grip.. BUMP!!! terhempas kt lantai betul2 depan diddy..but diddy was too bz signing autographs while rich's waiting for his turn to sign the posters.. rich: WOAH!!! CAMERA SAPA TUUUU!! (melatah dan tolong amikkn kamera tu) yana: abg rich,that's mine.. rich: (hulurkan kamera kpd yana dgn gentleman sekali,hehehe) can it still work? yana: (try turning the camera on,eureka!) yeah,it does..thanks! abg rich,cn i hav ur autograph.. rich: yeah sure,why not?(signed the poster-signaturenya sungguh panjang..but me likey!) ma: rich,ambil gambar sekejap dgn anak aunty tu..dia minat sgt kt rich.. rich: ok..sini,dik.. guard botak: xleh ambik gambar,ambik kendian,bukan sekarang! ma: just let us take one,kesian dia,,dari jauh dtg semata-mata nak take pic with rich..kitorg dari muar nih.. guard botak: ok,satu je..yang lain2 dh xboleh ok.. -setelah settle- i asked rich bout why he didn't wear a 'songkok'..he said,"xsempat beli,dik..soongkok sold out suda.." while diddy answered,"alamak!terlupa bwk songkok!" yeaaaaa,rite..tau,u guys baru je set rambut,xpayahlaa nk cover2,itulah sbbnya korg xpakai songkok.. abes tu,lotter leh pakai??n he looked cute with songkok on too..then i asked rich n lotter bout puasa,rich fasted for like a week while lotter didn't puasa at all..geez,ade potensi masuk islam si rich nih,hehe..b4 i went away(huhu,berat hati terasa,haha ) i gave rich a bday card,he was soooooooo grateful that he shook my hands thrice.. 
*moving on to salima,zila and karen's table* not much of a story to tell,just wanna say that the gurls' make up suited the indoor lighting of saloma bistro,tp kt luar,punyalah nmpk bertepek! 
*at kak farhan,ajik and nora's table* hoho,now that's a long story,hehe..i said hello to ajik and questioned him whether he remembers me from somewhere..he was like," ingaatt..kt mrhbn muo kan?" yeaaaaa..dats rite! then my mum pulak puji kak farhan yg dh makin slim,then ajik menyampuk,"slim ke??naik 5 kilo ada laa bulan2 puasa nih!" pdn muka kene cubit dek kak farhan! haha..then ajik pi report plak kt my mum yg kitorg slalu bls2 msg kt ms and i told him to wear his spects so he'd look cuter,..cess..sabar jerlaa..other than that,ajik cukup terharu bila yana suruh dia sign pd teddy bear mr bean yg yana bwk..(diimport dari ampang point,hehe)
*at mirul and velvet's table* ni quite funny..mirul kept on calling velvet mak gajah and busok..haha..then,as soon as velvet knew how much i loved rich: velvet: kau minat rich ka? yana: yep,minat gile2.. velvet: rich!! sini ada peminat die hard fan kau! (bengang den..nasib rich xdgr,hehe)
1830 masuk semula ke saloma bistro..kitorg duduk dan tunggu azan bergema,masa tu kelihatan students af4 bz pergi ke blkg pentas utk touch up make up..masa tu mmg haus sgt2,dh xleh keep my eyes off......not rich but the air sirap bandung on d table! dh dibenarkn utk ambil mknan tp aku tak terdaya,terlalu lemah siutttt..
1900 finally!!!!!!! 5zal dikehendaki azan di ats pentas..boleh thn jugak his voice,but he's not as good as mawi(i mean when he recites the azan)..could think of possibly nothing but fooddddd!! when i was taking some lauk,tibe2 jimmy shanley was behind me.he said,'hi,xambik nasi ke??" "belum lg,xdpt dikesanlaa abg..nasi ktne ek?" "kt sana tu haaaaa.." "ohhh,ok..thx abg jimmy!" while we dined,there's a multimedia slideshow on the huge screens,revealing every mode's face except for Kpochi,Qen,SmbgMalam and HipokiutSGT..ALSO,wanna say that i met ajik's parents (again!),this time we took some pix as a memo..ajik's dad's real funny..un cle roseby's brother,uncle masro's my dad's ex-partner when my dad's still workin at sime darby plantations(now he totally resigned coz of his unstable health-both my dad and uncle masro)..
2030 the show started off with a performance by all the af students and emceed by reza mohd of dgn cabutan bertuah(urghhhh..nombor aku sipi2 je..oh well,dh tak bertuah,nk wat cmne kn..just my luck) the prizes offered were swatch limited edition watches worth rm50 each,lumix digicamZ,m.mobileZ and vouchers worth rm120 each..other than that, ade jugak performances drpd ex-moderators yg boleh tahan gak..then,sebagai penyeri majlis,penonton yg sporting diminta lari ke pentas utk buat ape2 je yg reza akn suruh buat..xkn yana nk lpskn peluang aite,so yana pun terus lari ke atas pentas tanpa fikir pjg lg..there were 2 gurls and a lil boy beside me..nk tau x kitorg disuruh buat apa?=dance to whatever music that's on while holding either the 'rubber flinstone thingy' or the pom-pom..wawa started off with lagu seloka hr raya,ntah ape2 tarian tah die buat..blasah je wawa! next up,kak comment,"kak,awk nih menari ke menurun?dahsat gile gelek die..gerudi mengalahkn inul daratista! huahuahua! " up is d lil boy,lagu ahmad jais! hahaha..i'm startting to worry..when it's my turn,a kungfu music was on..haha,gile babas dowhhh!!! aku pun mulakan step aku dgn langkah silat hantam (alamak! parents ajik gelakkn aku!) so tukar step,pusing2 that flinstone thingy buat tarian sumazau plak ( n da gang's laughing at me!!!!!!) last2 terus kejar reza keliling pentas..hahaha,idea loss..guess what,kakak yg 'menurun' tu dpt sorakan terkuat,followed by urs trully(plg kuat dr meja family ajik,meja 3 dan meja 20...peace out ppl!!!!!!! u guyz r too kind ) then wawa,and last but not least budak yg menari lagu joget tu..aku ingtkn kitorg akn dpt sorg satu,skalik tu dpt food hamper je..huhuhuhu..poyo je..besides that,ade jugak pentomin (suara latar oleh pelajar af4,pelakon yg diseksa reza plak dari klgan chatters yg ditarik zila dan salima..)..the title?"anak derhaka minta ampun di pagi raya"..klakar gile! performances plak,my comment: ajik,apsal gigil? yg lain2 kecuali lotter dan rich-lebihkn interaction with audience ok.. lotter and rich-keep up d good work karen n zila-lots more to improve dr segi vokal,u guys cn do it! show us u've got more than wat we see.. amirul-hello astrooooo..awk ganti arwah pak abbas jek pki tagline 'keep it cool walaupun services currently unavailable'..  masa performance tu aku ada buat jht sket..aku nmpk haziq lagi sikit nk gigil masa nyanyi high pitch(berduet dgn 5zal,tp high pitch 5zal xcover)at first kak farhan suh aku jerit nama haziq(2 dengki him,tp aku ade plan lain)aku pun amik bunga orkid warna oren kt meja aku tu,naik pentas n bg kt ajik(supaya suara die 'tora')-kak farhan pun menggalakkan aku buat cmtu ..skalik tu ajik syiok plak dpt bunga,terus senyum kt aku n simpan bunga tu dlm poket die..turun je dari stage terus aku hi-5 dgn kak farhan..dh pakat lame dh ni! 
2130 dh nk abis,but wait a sec!reza said that there'll be a surprise under the tables,chairs etc..sooooo,aku punyelaa geledah bwh meja,bwh kerusi..EUREKA! FREE AF4 CONCERT CDs!!!!!!! it's really stuff! am so going again next year,yeahaaaaaa! if my mum would let me go that is..then,semua penonton yg dpt cd tu dikehendaki naik ke pentas,tak semena-mena si mirul naik pentas bwk penutup buffet..hahaha..reza was like,"mirul,ko ni pehal bro?ok x arini?tau ar ko frust xmenang ape2" "mane plak aku xmenang,aku menang penutup buffet nih kt meja aku!" hahaha..chatters yg ke pentas diminta nyanyi lagu hari raya hari bahagia(malix's version) to thank maestro for the freebies..sebaik shj kitorg turun pentas,aku terus je approach meja bebudak af(table Vip sebelah table no.2)..first snap gambo haziiiq,followed by rich..then masa pergi kt velvet,aku ckp kt dia"vet,mau ambil gambar dgn you"..then suddenly die pergi panggil rich n ckp,"rich,rich! ni dtg mau ambil gambar sama kau!" woahhh..bengang aku,dh merah pdm muka aku..korg tau x rich ckp ape? "ahah,tak tahu..merah suda budak ni".. ni kes buli nih!  but still amik gak gambo dgn velvet..then amiklaa gambo dgn org lain..then ada lagi satu peristiwa nih,aku nmpk ade sorg abg bj coklat mcm xde keje nk buat,so aku suhlaa die amik gambo aku dgn amirul..skalik tuhh,br aku perasan...ABG TU DIDDY!!!!!! adoiiii,shoul've asked amirul to take pic of me n diddy,rupenye terjadi sebaliknya! sengal ek?
2200 dh abes..but wait,there's more..masih ada story psl masa kitorg diberi izin amik gambo pljr af..aku lebih fokuskn pd rich,haziq dan diddy masa tu..yg lain2 aku dh xlayan.. i was taking rich's pic (rich posed exactly like clark kent of smallville,haha..poyo ar lu!) i noticed that haziq made a "why ain't she takin my pix?i'm handsome too" kind of face..jus coz i'm sympathetic towards him,i called him as well,"ajik,jomlah ambik gambar sekali dgn rich.." haziq: (dtg ke arah rich and buat 'tanduk' kt kapla rich sambil sengih2) yana: abg rich ada tanduk! rich: weiiiii budak nihhhh (marah2 manja kt ajik ) haziq: ok2laa..mintak maaf,mintak maaf.. (itu yg ada gambo haziq dgn rich tgh bersalam tu) last sekali,aku suh lotter buat muka rabbit,susah pyh lotter buat tiba2 amirul landing plak enterframe..adoiiiii..bengang aku n lotter,dhlah tu my last film,oh well..gitulah gayanya..
2230 bersurai..sempat kitorg grab coffee,then suddenly pinggang aku kne cucuk somebody..mama ajik! "mak mane?acik dh nk balik ni.." "mak gi toilet kut" "kimslm kt mak ok.." tp rupe2nye mak aku kt meja buffet,nasib mama ajik lum balik lagi,so smptlaa say goodbye to my mum...siap pelawa dtg rumah die lg utk open house raya 1-3..berbudi bhs sungguh..hehe..outside,a row of moderators shook hands with us..they said they were amazed by my high level of self-confidence..yea,it took a lot of guts to kungfu with no basic on stage (in front of ppl i dun really know!!)..b4 duduk kt bangku to wait 4 my dad,a girl came to me and asked,"awk nih kaeryana ke?kaeryana from m2m?" "yep..cmne awk tau?" "saya awin..from m2m gak..last skali awk ada kt marhaban astro muo kn?" "ha'ah..betul tu..kak awin dtg dgn siapa?" "dgn mcdluv..tulah td kitorg nmpk awk naik ckp boleh plak ade m2mfrenz yg tersesat kt sini.." "haha..abis mcd mane?" "dh balik dh dik.." "ok lah kak..nnt kite jumpe kt mb ok..minta diri dulu,kimslm kt mcd,kak tijah n sume geng m2m laa yek"..after that,i waited for my dad at a nearby bench..aku tunggu sebelah farhan(yg tgh tunggu cuzzin die) farhan tu,sgt2 friendly..when my dad arrived,die suh kimslm kt my dad..die siap cium tgn mak aku lg,(again) berbudi bhs sungguh! haha..ok lah..that's all i could remember..hope u guyz loved the review..whatever it is,dun 4get to watch trek selebriti next week (oct 27th or maybe nov 3rd)..coz i might be in it,hehe..bye peeps! hv a nice raya! |
1:59 AM | 
Thursday, August 31, 2006
in 2003,astro had programmed an unfamiliar Reality TV (the 2nd reality tv show after EXPLORACE of TV3) called akademi fantasia on channel 4-ASTRO RIA.this show is about 12 students frm all over Peninsular Malaysia 'quarantined' from the outer world (i.e: TV,Radio,cell phones,magazines,newspapers etc) and educated with performing arts skills like vocals and drama.sms votes (or we may call it as AFUNDIs from the 'public judges') were required to arrange the ranking of the students.the one with least votes will be booted out while the remaining will continue their journey 'menuju puncak'.the students involved in season one were Vince,Khai,Azizi,Nija,Liza,Sahri n the other 6.probably coz its new,this show,emceed by number one host of msia aznil hj nawawi,wasn't a hit till it reached its finale.the popularity of this show then sustained with the presence of af season 2:which is a hit from the beginning to the first i wasn't that interested,but coz of the funny jokes,zarina's sweet vocals and my curiosity towards kaer's race (whether he's malay or chinese),this show succeeded in attracting my first i was a BIG fan of zarina,fitri,and Za8,but not kaer as he looks kinda GEEKY (sorry kaer,hehe).but it turned the other way around when i suddenly fell in love with kaer's voice n cuteness at the first concert..hihi..:P till now i'm still addicted 2 kaer,though its been three years since af2.actually,he's a very cool guy..nice 2 hangout with,and he makes such big jokes!! coz of kaer also,i've been addicted 2 the net and met a couple of awesome,wacko,funny friends..from all parts of msia,brunei,s'pore and even from philippines! how cool's that?? and now,i officially declare that i hav added another guy in my family as my big brother,KAER!! (applause!!) n 4 kaer lovers out there,pls keep up your support towards our beloved kaer (my big bro)..we used 2 love his unique voice n funny personality,let us wait 4 his yg ori!! hapuskn piracy!! you guys won't know how hard kaer struggles 4 us till his last penny from his acc..thx 4 reading-keep in touch!! ;) 5:57 AM | 
Friday, May 12, 2006 teke-teki apekTeka-Teki Yg Perlu Diberi Penampar!!
Body: 1) Lubang ape yg rasenye hangat, nikmat dan nyaman?Jwp : LUBANGun pagi², tarik selimut pastu lu tido balik...2) Minyak ape yg disukai oleh lelaki?Jwp : MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M opss!! Salah EPL laa..3) Kuih ape yg bungkusnya di dlm, isinya di luar?Jwp : Kuih salah bikin.4) Binatang ape yg power dlm bab berKarate?Jwp: Kuda belang.....cube kira berapa black belt dia ade.5) Siapa yg menemukan dompet kulit?Jwp: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.6) Pintu ape yg walaupun dgn 10 org pun takleh nak tolak?Jwp: Pintu yg ade tulis 'TARIK'7) Saye ade 3 kepala, 4 tgn dan 5 kaki....siapakah saye?Jwp: Pembohong...8) Ape dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?Jwp: Usus9) Binatang ape yg seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?Jwp : Kutu rambut10) Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?Jwp: Neneknya si katak.11) Kenape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila?Jwp: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'12) Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?Jwp: Sekretari baik............'Selamat pagi Boss'Sekretari kurang baik............'Dah pagi ni Boss'13) Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?Jwp: Dua² tak kenal korang....heheh14) Tukang ape yg kalau dipanggil, dia menjenguk ke atas?Jwp: Tukang gali kubur15) Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dpt buang, ape bendanya?Jwp: Tahi hidung16) Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?Jwp: Dua² kalau dah 'kringg' bole di angkat...17) Kenape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus di tebang?Jwp: Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa......gile ape...... 9:49 AM | 
i had this conversation with kaer=4 the 1st time on MSN! xrugi aku pura2 mintak no hp die..huhuhuuuuu..on the 23rd of march..0000 hour.. azliyana says: hey big bro! azliyana says: kenal x ni siapa? kaer says: yes kenal dear hi hi azliyana says: sure xingat azliyana says: yeahhhhhh...siapa ni? kaer says: ingar la ni yana kan azliyana says: pandaii azliyana says: i waited 4 u 4 ages..akhirnye on9 juaa azliyana says: LOL kaer says: haha azliyana says: apsal email 3 kali xbls? kaer says: busy ye dik kaer says: -mail pun tak bukak azliyana says: ohh..xper2.. kaer says: haha azliyana says: wa...lmbtnyer tido?abg kate tdo kul 10? azliyana says: kantoii..repot kat kak jojo kang kaer says: buat project la kaer says: online azliyana says:
kaer says: ni kenapa tak tidok lagi ni haha? azliyana says: besok maner skolah azliyana says: aper kelasss tdo awal? azliyana says: haha kaer says: yalah azliyana says: xlaa azliyana says: tdo lmbt tunggu akademi azliyana says: sume abg kaer punye psl..haha kaer says: oh ok azliyana says: jgn mare kaer says: ish ish ish abg plak yang disalahkan azliyana says: abg kaer...ade org rosakkan lagu abg..jap lg yana nk karate die azliyana says: boleh x? kaer says: sapa? azliyana says: haha..gurau jek azliyana says: kt audition af4 azliyana says: dhlaa hengau..sakit ati tol kaer says: hahaha azliyana says: jap ek,nk pi bls bdk @15 punye msg azliyana says: dah settle azliyana says: hehe..mcm penting sgt plak kaer says: okies azliyana says: abg kaer,my friend kirim slm azliyana says: ramai sebenarnye kaer says: kim slm kat dia oland semua ye azliyana says: no prob dr sher kaer! kaer says: haha kaer says: dr sher plak azliyana says: haha..tau xpe kaer says: ok la abg nak tido dah ni kaer says: sakit mata dah azliyana says: rilekslaa azliyana says: besok online x? azliyana says: baru nk lumpat smpai pecah siling azliyana says: hahaha azliyana says: xde maknenye kaer says: ok good nite kaer says: take care my lil sis azliyana says: abg kaer! besok online x? kaer says: kim slm kat family yeks azliyana says: ok big bro kaer says: tak abg busy la kaer says: bye azliyana says: bye azliyana says: askum 9:41 AM | 
Friday, May 05, 2006 Luruh,Noktah Cinta Kita-4 my fan fic Dulu,pernah kau tanamkan janji Akan setia bersamaku selamanya Biar takdir yg memisahkan Musim bunga seakan mengerti Rasa hati yg kian mekar berputik Keindahan seiring kehangatan,segalanya manis belaka Pertemuan pertama menghiasi fantasiku Musim panas seakan mengerti Betapa inginku melayari hidup bersamamu
Siang dan malam silih berganti Pesona musim bunga kian luntur,dedaun berguguran dihembus bayu Diriku kau tinggalkan Masihkah kau memegang janjimu? Ataukah ianya melayang dibawa musim lalu? Takku sanggup dikejar derita,cinta indah khabar dari rupa Biarkan musim luruh menjadi noktah Berakhirnya cinta di sini
Perpisahan jalan terbaik Bahagia sekadar mimpi belaka Biarkan musim luruh menjadi noktah,selamat tinggal kasih..
JIWANG!!! hehe..aku dh matang nmpknyer,..-kaeryana writes by heart
10:02 AM | 
Pertemuan PertamaPernahku bermimpi;kumelintas langit,memetik bintang,berlagu girang; Pernahku bermimpi;kumelihat wajah,senyuman terindah,pesona jiwa; Mimpi itu menguntum impian, Ingin sekali kubertemu dgnnya..
Ketika kuberjalan seorg diri Memori cinta pahit berlegar di fikiran Dunia seakan malap,hingga munculnya dirimu, Bagaikan ilusi,berbunga rasa hati Pertemuan yg takku duga Bahu yg terlaga,gelora mulai terasa di dada Kutertanya,inikah cinta?
Mata bertentang mata,tangan kuhulur tanda mesra Pertemuan pertama,menggamit seribu makna Pertemuan pertama,kankukenang selamanya Saat hadirnya dirimu dlm hidupku..
maceh,maceh..hehe..-kaeryana speaks her first love,hehe.. 9:56 AM | 
The Seasons Of Reasons-4 my fan ficSpring, Summer, Autumn Days all a bloom, Days all a beauty, Days are loneliness Nights all a glitter, Nights all a glow, Nights are dreams Your hands in mine, Your kiss in me Leaves and hearts of the same fate Our hearts pounding, Our hearts smiling Tears haunting me Love soaring sky high.. Love striking our soul.. Your lies suffocating me..
Oh baby,were not destined together;have this final kiss i will pray 4 your happiness,goodbye to you my love,my past... 9:37 AM | 
The Passion In Me-tribute 2 Kaer AFa nerd i was in school,a four-eyed a geek i was in style,pants over chest didn't know how funky works was just another kid 2 tease till i found the real me,the brand new me the passionate me,the impressive me locked deep inside me a sensation i am today,a star a wannabe i am not,im me hear my voice,see ME standing,the stage ive dominated feel the passion in me..
to most inspiring big bro after din and jajai,KAER...-kaeryana writes 9:32 AM | 
The Unspoken-By Kaeryanai used 2 walk the path of loneliness, with the darkness as my loyal companion, regret with all the stupid words i said, that costed me love and the soul in me, just wish i could take them back, but time twisting is beyond me, them backstabbers have had their last laugh, coz the unspoken's no longer a secret...
kaeryana writes her heart-... 9:26 AM | 
Saturday, April 29, 2006 what's with them?waduh2..geram sungguh aku dgn parents nowadays..they tend 2 give options 2 their children,and making their own choices 4 their children..what i cant understand is,whats the point of giving options if ure the one that makes a decision?question number two,whos living the life,the parents or the children?to me,youths nowadays should wisely make decisions of their own,and take the risk..pleaeese,please,please make the right choice!what ever disadvantage of your own decision will be your responsibility,dear youths-another good thing 4 parents,let ur children choose their paths,you dont have 2 manipulate their future..just act as a compass,that guides them to the right path,according to THEIR choices.. parents and new generations,please take note -kaeryana
9:52 AM | 
Saturday, April 09, 2005 akak aku kawen!!fuh! excitednye!! yeah!! tak sangker..nak berkawen dah akak aku tu..elokler..tapi..tak excited jugak..sebab si zul nak pecahkan rahsia aku kepadanya..and dia akan sebarkan segala2 yang aku telah luahkan kepadanya and put an end to pendaman rasa antara aku ngan kireen
seorang yang periang..tanpa disedari..aku ..kat dier..eii..can't wait!! 8:14 AM | 
Saturday, February 05, 2005 abg2 serta kakak2 kaeryana (adik takder ke?)wokeh..hye guyz! wuhsup! kaeryana giler kaeryana sejak kebelakangan ni..mengalahkan budak af!! tight schedules,tonnes of homework and lots and lots of stuff to do..tak kesahlaa..that's just my job(walaupun x dpt gaji pon..huhuhu..:(
well anyways..kaeryana der siblings utk melepaskan tension kaeryana..ramai sgt siblings..and so much kerenahlaa diorg sumer nih..
my abg kandung..
azizudin bin azlee..
panggil jek din,din2,ajis,panjang atau dendoll..(sbb dier lurus bendul and sengal sket)
budak ashkar a gf name wati..hobby dier..berkawat and panjat gunung..dier ni berimej suker sgt botakkan kepala..(waduh..abg wan aku pon camnie..)
jarang balik ke rumah sbb bz ngan keje dier and latihan wataniah..
my annoying abg kandung dua
azral bin azlee
panggillaa aku jal,azral,jajal,dan @#$#%#@$$@@(ni sebb kekdg he gets too annoying!)
budak makwe ramai..makwe yg kejor dier..dier cume layan sorg jek..awek yg b'nama shazreen masahor(sha)..very,VeRy,VERY...ANNOYING!! dier mmg annoying sgt..sampaikan surat sorg mamat yg ngurat kaeryana tapi kaeryana xnak tu pon dier bole jumper!! how annoying that is..sampaikan laci aku pon dier korek!(datz when i started to create my own blog)..tu jek..he's single but not available!! :D
abg2 angkat aku yg x kurang sengal gaks..:P jgn mare guyz..
abg malique too phat-mak oih..mamat nih tiap ari call umah aku..sedey aku tgk dier nih..masalah dier ngan dian pon aku kene setelkan..kuang3..
abg wan(abg kaer..sajer manjer2 panggil abg wan..salah ker..ehehe)
si abg wan ni bukanlaa nak kater abg betui akulaa..tapi yg pasti nama mama dier kharidah abd kadir..mama kaeryana plak za8ah abd kadir..kan ker ampir samer tu..kakak abg wan ni wan azoera..kakak kaeryana azura..ehemm..x ke samer tu? adik kaer..khairilzan(jajai) abg kaeryana JAJAL..kan samer kan? hah? aper salahnyer ek? ehehe..dier ni satu tabiat ngan dendoll..suker BOTAKKAN KEPALA!! tak kesahlaa..nasib baik masing2 ensem..kalu tak..kaeryana botakkan lagi..muahaha..password abg kaer ialah.."ko ni lembab tollah!! cepat skett takbole ker?!...."
abg syed nakata(abg syed "nak kata" aper ek..:P)
abg syed!! hah yg nih abg aku yg agak ensem gaks arh..dier nih katernyer kembar abg wan..mmg betuilaa..ader website(like cool!! tapi dier kedekut nak ajar kaeryana wat website..huhuhu) dier pon minat kaer..(waduhh..minat kat kembar sendiri ker..konpius jap aku) kekdg kaeryana sker gak panggil abg syed ni abg kaer..sbb namer betui dier syed mohammad khael al-yahya bin(er..bin syed aper ek) mama dier panggil dier mamet..kater dierlaa..dier ni lain plak..tak sker plak botakkan kapla..dier tgh cari teman hidup utk mewarnai urban batik kehidupan dier..(apsal tak pakai water colour jek ek..:P) atau pon dlm istilah melayu..abg syed tgh cari diri anda yg ahcunnya tu..(huhuhu..teringin nak jumper abg aku sorg nih..)
za8 orange!! yups..za8..alwayz kkepin' in contact wit' me..dier ni nakal giler..hakhakhak..x nak kaeryana panggil dier abg..siyot jek..ahahaha..
my kakak2..
sikit jek kakak kaeryana yg ader..
azura binti azlee..panggil kak zoe..the most evil lecturer that ever lived..not much to talk about sbb dier nak kawen dah bulan april nih..
kak ayin
zarina zainoordin..kakak yg ahcunnya dan sker sgt ketawa dan memperlihatkan lesung pipit yg sweet tu..awex za8 nih!! shh..don't tell anyone kay? she told me she liked to jeling2 kaer..jeng3!!..kaer! jgn bacer part nih..secret wei!! dier kater kaer not bad kalau he's two years older..could kaer be the 'replacement' for abg khai? ehehehe..ngaruttlaa aku nih..
kak feefee..(breep2!!)
kak farah!! panggil comment..:)
kak lala(fifi the cute)
kak lala atau nurullah(af2) nih dgn suker rela nakkan kat kaeryana..samer dengan kak ayin ngan feefee..kak lala is very friendly..suker sgt kat kak lala(kak nurul)..:)
kak mama mas..
kak mas(also af2) ni pon sukerela nak kat bukan sbg adik sebg anak dier..!! tu yg kaeryana panggil dier mama mas..kdg2 kak mama mas..atau kak mas jek..mostly mama maslaa..she's very caring and motherly..mama mas ni seolah2 ibu ke-2 pada kaeryana..:)
okey..itu jerlaa ahli keluarga kaeryana..w/pon yg betul2 cuma empat org siblings..yg tipu2 ramai..we are a happy family..mama mas bg kaeryana jadi anak angkat dier di samping anak mama mas,fazil dan fazilla dah jadi adik angkat target..nak jadikan abg wan ADIK angkat kaeryana..sbb byk sgt abg!! tak salah kan..ehehe..-kaeryana
8:54 AM | 