Teka-Teki Yg Perlu Diberi Penampar!!
1) Lubang ape yg rasenye hangat, nikmat dan nyaman?Jwp : LUBANGun pagi², tarik selimut pastu lu tido balik...2) Minyak ape yg disukai oleh lelaki?Jwp : MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M opss!! Salah EPL laa..3) Kuih ape yg bungkusnya di dlm, isinya di luar?Jwp : Kuih salah bikin.4) Binatang ape yg power dlm bab berKarate?Jwp: Kuda belang.....cube kira berapa black belt dia ade.5) Siapa yg menemukan dompet kulit?Jwp: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.6) Pintu ape yg walaupun dgn 10 org pun takleh nak tolak?Jwp: Pintu yg ade tulis 'TARIK'7) Saye ade 3 kepala, 4 tgn dan 5 kaki....siapakah saye?Jwp: Pembohong...8) Ape dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?Jwp: Usus9) Binatang ape yg seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?Jwp : Kutu rambut10) Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?Jwp: Neneknya si katak.11) Kenape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila?Jwp: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'12) Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?Jwp: Sekretari baik............'Selamat pagi Boss'Sekretari kurang baik............'Dah pagi ni Boss'13) Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?Jwp: Dua² tak kenal korang....heheh14) Tukang ape yg kalau dipanggil, dia menjenguk ke atas?Jwp: Tukang gali kubur15) Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dpt buang, ape bendanya?Jwp: Tahi hidung16) Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?Jwp: Dua² kalau dah 'kringg' bole di angkat...17) Kenape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus di tebang?Jwp: Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa......gile ape......
I'm just a commoner living in her dreams,where i have an awesome family and galz who's got my bizzack 24/7.i'm best-described in three words: funny,friendly and irritant.the funny in me is defined as joking around,often confused,(also often confusing,huhu) and sometimes i react stupidly when panic starts to conquer me.my friendliness is beyond expectations if i'm very comfortable with someone(which i usually am).but if i'm not,i could be the most quiet,"perfect-mannered" little hypocrist.however,i'll try to adjust myself with new faces,so that they wouldn't jump into conclusion that i'm always unready to meet other people.my personality's also made up of one part of irritant,where the ingredients include me as a conceited know-it-all,a vain fashion princess,a drama queen, and a hot-tempered inconsiderate jerk.but some people may judge me as annoying because of my patheticness.you bookworm geeks know how the saying goes(not that i'm one of you aite :P): never judge a book by its cover,but my principle is,ALWAYS judge a book by its cover.why?it's like this,we don't really need any further explanations.DO U WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH GUYS WHO LIVE IN GARBAGE CANS?lol.i'm just kidding..well, i think that's all about me that i could think of this time.to everyone out there,if u meet me any where,feel free to say hi and approach me ok?
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