Thursday, February 22, 2007 marhaban astro muo.. 9th sept 06 1.30pm aku ingt aku terlmbt!punyelaa rush p dewan jubli intan,gopernye start kul 3..arghhhhhh..bikin heartache saja bahhhhhhh skali tu,dgn bengangnye balik umah,fully disappointed!
3.00pm dtg semula ke dwn jubli intan..sempat saksikan pertandingan marhaban yg disertai pelajar2 sekolah menengah (termasuklah maa'had muar,yg sgt2 aku nyampes!!)..takat nih nk ikutkn suara with harmony paling excellent,i'd vote 4 kump rusydaniah frm ma'ahad jb..pertandingan tu siap ade jury lg AF lak..hehe..marhaban di astro tlh diEMCEE (ataupn diSELAMATKN) oleh zainal alam kadir n fi3 zainal of af2..dorg perasan yg aku ade kt situ,buat kali keempatnya,aku berjumpe dgn zainal n fi3..kuang3..
5.00pm pertandingan tamat,diteruskn dgn kemunculan seorg NOBODY bernama NORDIANA NAIM..semua org bergegas ke dpn pentas utk bersalam and bergambar dgn die,tp AKU??buat dek die xwujud..mse die kte,"spe nk jwb soklan ina??" aku siap boleh jeling INA terang2an..laktu die prasan..INA tenung aku semcm je,tp ape aku kesah kn??muahahaha..
5.30pm majlis bersurai..
10 sept 06 2.00pm hahaha,ni adalah hari yg plg best buat marhaban di astro di dwn jubli intan muo..XDE NORDIANA NAIM!! hahaha sebaik shj bapak aku br blk drpd solat dzuhur fm surau,die tros anto aku p dwn jubli utk menyaksikan marhbn ini..tmpt tu dorg dh improvise the lighting,n ade tv plasma utk browse ada apa dgn astro..(mcm2 adaaa!! hehe)..also,ade souvenirs bg dorg yg betul2 gilekn AF n si minah GG,DIANA NAIM pn ade jual buku novel CATATAN DUKA DIANA aku tau,novel tu langsung xde sape sudi nk beli,melainkn musuh ketatku dr ma'ahad..(kecuali fatihin ali n rafah ferhat k! )
2.30pm af starz br sampai kt seremban,aduhhhhh..lmbtnye!seorg emcee yg mirip kefli tlh mengisi masa tu dgn soklan2 n game puzzle yg aku masuk along with these other 4 gurlz..also form 1 like me! game tu mmg best,tp very challenging..coz emcee tu sorok2kn puzzle piece..n die dh mix up my team's puzzle pieces with our opponent's..sabo jerlaaaaa ..last2 team aku yg mng,yeahhhhhh!!
3.00pm lampu digelapkn..the show started off with a sketch entitled si tanggang..starring hazama as tanggang,zila as the arrogant princess n edlin yg cute sebagai mak yg mlg..huhuhu..mmg lakonan yg cukup berkesan! yg klakar,sebagai ending sketsa tu,edlin hazam n zila terpaksa jd keras mcm batu..puas dorg kne geletek n cucuk2 dek fi3 n zainal alam..aku rse mmg dh lenguh gle bdn dorg! the show goes on with singing sensation edlin,menyanyi lagu (aku xingt tajuk die,heheheh)..sgt2 mantap! and her eye contact with the audience pun sgt2laa excellent! then,it's hazama's turn..nyanyi lagu zakiah n satu lagu nasyid..boleh thn gak..not bad for a newcomer aite??keep it up but still hav room 4 improvements rite hazama dear??  kemudian,it's kump firdaus' turn..walaupn xcukup ahli(ade ahli yg sambung belajar di UIA n xdpt attend show hari tu)vokal dorg mmg mantap..nk2 budak sabah yg jd lead singer,sgt2 handsoem n i xbrape minat,hehehe.. next is performance by MAWI!!!! lagu seroja-duet with za8,mse lagu nih mawi diusik oleh za8,"mawi,dh jumpe bunga?" "belum" "gi lerr cari!" "mungkin kt muo ni sy akn dpt jumpe bunga..siapa agaknye sesuai jd bunga sy??"..bdk lain sume jerit "SAYA!!!!!!!" TIBE2,aku jerit "MARSHAAA!!!!"..berderau darah mawi! wahaha..then mawi alihkn mic drpd mulutnya smbil bisik "marshaaa?????!!"..hahaha..then lagu al-jannah lak..mantap sungguh vokal mawi! seterusnya,persembahan zila dgn lagu (aku xingt lg! sorry!)..followed by her duet with edlin thru NIRMALA..sdp tp sygnye,suara edlin pecah bile lagu tu hampir tamat..then,kluo lg hazama,ktorg sume dh mule hangen.."awat asek hazam je yg kluaq??" ktorg pn jerit kt emcee,"HAZIQ!HAZIQ!HAZIQ!" "saborr...sabor tu kn separuh imannn"...hazama:"okaylah,kte jemput haziq!!!!!" haziq:" askum semua!!" hazama: "sy nk duet dgn haziq boleh??" audience: xboleh!!! hazama: xpelaa,sy akn duet gak dg haziq.. (lagu duet dorg ok,tp kurg mantap sbb suara hazam pecah,n haziq kurg komunikasi dgn audience )
4.30pm BREAK!!!! zainal alam n fi3 cari volunteer utk naik ke 1st aku n seorg akak nih nk gak volunteer,tp biler fi3 ckp "kami perlukn mereka yg pandai bermarhaban" OH TIDAKKKKKKKKKKKKK..terus kitorg xjadi volunteer..akhirnya 3org ppuan n 3org laki berjaya ditarik ke pentas..rupe2nye dorg kne tiup balloon smp malatup, dat simple only???????????? laktu,mse dorg bz tiup belon,MAWI 5ZAL N ZA8 KACAU DORG!! mawi letak mikrofon kt mulut seorg abg yg "yo-yok-orr" tiup belon..za8 plak geletek pinggang slh seorg bdk laki..5zal plak usik2 bdk ppuan..hahaha..nyesal aku xnaik pentas!!!!!!!!!!!!  akhirnya,detik yg dinanti2 tlhpun tiba,HAZIQ'S TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!! die nyanyikn lagu gurindam ank mude (which menyebbkn sume org diam krn takut haziq gigil n nyanyi out of tune...but haziq masih gigiiiiiiiiilll!!!) persembahan diteruskn dgnm nyanyian 5zal,lagu lihatlah,za8 "kau teristimewa" n finally bebudk af ramai2 bermarhaban..
5.30pm baru nk sesi "meet d fanZ"..bapak aku dh bising2 ajak balik tp aku suh die amik aku kul 6.30ptg..mse tu aku beratur dpn skali..not much to tal;k aboutlaa..aku cume smpt ckp kt edlin,"kak edlin,cute!!", time kt haziq yg lame sikit..haziq nmpk teddy bear mr bean yg aku die gelak,"HAHHHAAAAAA.." keokeokeo..then aku smpt ckp,"haziq,cutelaa ur picture dgn ur sister,yg kak farhan tu" "ktne ek?myspace ke??" "yep"..dgn 5zal plak,"cantiknye signature!! " dier punyerlaa blur..die gi jwb,"hah?handsome ke sy nih??" hahaha..aku smpt tgkp gambo dua keping dgn haziq,tp dgn 5zal xsmpt,coz security dh bising..
6.00pm sembang2 dgn mak haziq..byk rahsia haziq yg aku dah tahu,muahahaha!!! habislaa kau haziq! die xleh concentrate sign autograph coz curious nk tau aku n mak aku sembang ape dgn mama die..papa die pn ade,handsome n strict sound trouble sket,hehehehe
6.15pm mak haziq nk pggl haziq 2run,tp haziq ckp xleh..die pggl mak die suh p blkg stage..ade satu sesi fotografi tp artis marhbn xdibenarkn amik gambo dgn peminat..dorg hanya leh line up kt pentas je..mawi n za8 xde sejak sesi autograf coz kne balik utk attend kons gemilang AE06..mse nih aku saje2 jerit nme "HAZIQQ!!!!!!" then sumthing yg xdisangka2 berlaku..haziq 2njuk kt aku, and buat signal "call meee...." first aku ingt aku prasan je,skali tu akak seblah aku kte,"dik,haziq kenyit mata kt awklah!"..huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuh..SEMINGGU AKU ANGAW AND DEMAM sygnye aku miss adegan 5zal buat SENYUM SOKMOOOOO!!!!! kt pentas mse tuh..huhu..
6.30pm bersurai~..overall,mmg syiok bahhhhhhh!! oh sharkx,i did it again! aku angaw!!!!! |
2:06 AM 
I'm just a commoner living in her dreams,where i have an awesome family and galz who's got my bizzack 24/7.i'm best-described in three words: funny,friendly and irritant.the funny in me is defined as joking around,often confused,(also often confusing,huhu) and sometimes i react stupidly when panic starts to conquer friendliness is beyond expectations if i'm very comfortable with someone(which i usually am).but if i'm not,i could be the most quiet,"perfect-mannered" little hypocrist.however,i'll try to adjust myself with new faces,so that they wouldn't jump into conclusion that i'm always unready to meet other personality's also made up of one part of irritant,where the ingredients include me as a conceited know-it-all,a vain fashion princess,a drama queen, and a hot-tempered inconsiderate jerk.but some people may judge me as annoying because of my bookworm geeks know how the saying goes(not that i'm one of you aite :P): never judge a book by its cover,but my principle is,ALWAYS judge a book by its cover.why?it's like this,we don't really need any further explanations.DO U WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH GUYS WHO LIVE IN GARBAGE CANS?lol.i'm just kidding..well, i think that's all about me that i could think of this everyone out there,if u meet me any where,feel free to say hi and approach me ok?
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